"Anthony, come quick," calls mom from the back of the house.
I was in my bedroom, home for break, and could tell from the tone of her voice that this was going to turn into something story-worthy.
"What is it?" I inquired.
"The dog chased a cat up the tree, we have to get it down."
"Mom, it's a cat, it'll be fine."
"No, it's been up there for hours; it's stuck. You have to climb the tree."
I knew she was serious. Our family has a long history of adventures centered around my mom's love for animals. Turtles in the middle of the street, stray cats and dogs, even a pig once -- anything in need of help. Today it was a cat in a tree.
Stepping into the backyard, sure enough, there was a terrified cat stuck in very straight tree some 18 feet up. "Mom, there's no way I can climb that," I think to myself, but I know her animal-affection will trump my protests.
The tree is next to our backyard fence. I climb the fence and get a foothold in the tree. I stretch out my arms. Not quite there -- the cat is still a handful of feet away.
"Why don't we have a ladder?" I ponder.
What now? If only I can get the cat to jump down into my outstretched arms.
"Here kitty kitty kitty. Jump. You can trust me. I will catch you. Here kitty kitty kitty. I'm right here."
The terrified cat eyes me. But no jump.
Mom has an idea: we'll lure her down to me with some tuna fish. As she retrieves the bait, I begin to question my footing.
She returns with a bowl full of stinky tuna fish. I extend it as high as I can, hoping the scent lofts up to the cat.
"Here kitty kitty kitty. I have some yummy tuna fish. You like that. Jump. I'll catch you."
But mom's not out of ideas. Perhaps the cat just needs a nudge. In our backyard we have a tree that grows some small citrus fruits (tangerines, I believe). She picks, aims for the cat, and throws -- hoping to hit the cat. And misses.
Again: Throws. Misses. Throws. Misses.
Then she recruits my friend Jin Tik who has been amusedly watching up until this point. They throw. And miss. This continues for some time.
Finally, a hit! The nudge. And again, nothing. Cat still stuck in the tree.
Normally, one probably would now give up. Actually, normally one likely would have never climbed into the tree in the first place for such a clearly hopeless endeavor. But for some reason my mom loves that cat -- the stray neighborhood cat we don't even know -- and I suppose I'm identifying with that love a bit too.
So we persist. Mom has another idea -- we need another cat. You see we have a house cat. Although this cat never goes outside, my mom reasons that if she brings her out and lets me hold her in the tree close to the other cat, then for some reason the cat stuck in the tree will trust us and jump. Perhaps it'll learn that we're friendly cat people.
So my mom brings my bewildered cat out and hands her to me. "Here kitty kitty kitty. Look, we have a cat too. You can trust us. Jump into my hands. I'll bring you down."
Nothing. We return our cat to the house.
At this point two thoughts are running through my head:
(1) This is kinda ridiculous. Climbing a tree; outstretched arms; reasoning with a cat; luring with tuna fish; throwing citrus; bringing our house cat out. And for what? To get some neighborhood cat out of a tree?
(2) I'm not sure how safe this is. I've been juggling quite a bit up here and I'm not sure how solid my footing is. This could be dangerous. I could fall! Doesn't mom remember that I'm her only son.
Conclusion: She must love that unknown cat. And so do I. It's terrified stuck up in a tree, but we're going to get him down, whatever it takes.
It was in that moment, in that tree, that a profound question struck me. Rather, a series of questions.
What if God is like this?
What if when I was terrified and stuck, his love compelled him to act?
Even to send his Son, his only Son?
What if it was a dangerous -- even to death -- mission for that Son?
But what if his loving act prevailed?
An often quoted scripture flashed to mind with new force:
"For God so loved the world, he sent his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life" (John 3:16).
He's still calling: Here I am. Jump into my outstretched arms. I know that you are terrified. I know that you are stuck in a mess that you can't get yourself out of. But I'm here. You can trust me. Jump. I will take you home; whatever it takes.