First let me congratulate you -- it is a great honor being chosen as a moon. You now have a high task before you, to light the night sky of your planet. As you know, many of your planet's residents dwell in darkness; they're depending on you for light.
Undoubtedly, your lunar experience will be filled with many highs and lows. However, as a fellow moon, I thought it prudent to write to you some words of advice.
The most important thing to remember: you don't generate light, you reflect it.
I know you were taught this in your training, but young moons too often forget it. They begin to think there is some energy in themselves, some natural merit, that sets them apart and turns them into a natural light source. They forget that they are just dusty rocks, naturally cold and dark. There is but one light source in this system, the Sun. All the light you will ever shine will originate in him.
Therefore, keep your focus on the Sun. Don't let the darkness discourage you; as long as you stay in the Sun's presence, you'll reflect his radiance.
Unfortunately, periods will come when you let something get between you and the Sun. You'll let your planet, who it's your job to light, cut off your view of the Sun. Once again, you'll be dark and reminded of your natural state. But don't be utterly discouraged! This is a crisis, but it'll also serve as a reminder: you don't generate light, you reflect it. In this dark period, seek out the Sun. His light is still shining, waiting to illuminate you.
There is one final warning I must offer. It is shameful to say, but I must report it. There is another way in which moons fail their illuminating duty. Again, it is born in the moon's pride. He begins thinking too highly of himself, of his ability to light, and so he begins to climb into a more exalted place of the sky till he finds himself in the Sun's spot eclipsing the light to his planet.
You see, us moons were never purposed to light the whole sky. Only to magnify and point back to the Sun's light. When we attempt to stand in his position, the result is utter darkness. The day appears as night. An eclipse.
But this needn't be. Just remember: you don't generate light, you reflect it.
So seek out the Sun and dwell in his presence. It really is the greatest honor to have been chosen to abide there and reflect his awesome light.
"We are to be centers of light and blessing to our little circle, even as He is to the universe. We have nothing of ourselves, but the light of His love shines upon us, and we are to reflect its brightness."
Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing, p. 77
This was an amazing story based off an amazing metaphor.